• Observance of discipline is a must for every student admitted into the college. Students must abide by all the rules and regulations of the college, written or unwritten and thereby create an atmosphere conducive to learning and establishment of healthy traditions. Students are required to read these rules carefully and ensure good conduct and behaviour during their stay in the college. Parents are also requested to read these rules carefully and ensure good conduct of their wards at all times during their stay in the college.
  • All organisational activities are strictly prohibited in the campus. Students’ organisations are not recognised by the college authorities. Their requests or demands shall not be entertained. However, those organisations that are complementary to the academic pursuit can be permitted by the Principal.
  • The Management bans politics in college, based on the verdict of the Division Bench of Kerala High Court. Political activity in any form, under any banner, is not permitted on the campus. The Management prohibits students from organising or attending meetings other than the official ones within the college.
  • Smoking/chewing, use of tobacco, pan parag, drugs, alcohol etc., are strictly prohibited inside the college campus including all such products that are either banned or illicit or injurious to health. Using/ Keeping of these items will lead to immediate expulsion of the student from the college. Nobody shall enter the college campus after consuming alcohol/drugs or under intoxication.
  • Nobody shall disrupt the academic atmosphere of the college under any circumstances. Any such activities that may hamper the academic ambience of the institution will be seriously dealt with. Such misconduct would entail major punishment including expulsion from college. If necessary, criminal prosecution also will be invoked.
  • Destruction of college properties would entail civil as well as criminal proceedings against delinquents.
  • Serious action will be taken against students bringing outsiders into the campus.
  • Nobody shall instigate or engage in activities such as strike, demonstration, agitation, slogan shouting etc. within the college campus.
  • All legal and reasonable grievances of the students will be addressed by the college authorities. In the event of any such grievance, the aggrieved can approach the respective Faculty Advisor or the Students’ Grievances Redressal Committee existing in the College individually. The decision of the Principal shall be final.
  • Our College is dedicated to protecting and enriching the ecology of the campus through water conservation, proper waste management systems, eco-friendly practices, thoughtful landscaping, sensitization and awareness regarding social responsibility and perception towards the environment and undertaking audit procedures.
  • Our College is committed to enabling differently-abled students, teaching and non-teaching staff to equally participate in the academic, social and cultural life of the College by providing infrastructural facilities, promoting inclusivity and non-discrimination, creating awareness and extending counselling support.

Teachers are directed to insist the compliance of the above Rules and Regulations strictly. Violations, if any, shall be reported to the Principal swiftly.


Excerpts from the UGC Regulations on curbing the menace of ragging in Higher Educational Institutions 2009. Ragging in all its forms is prohibited in the College campus, including the departments, all its premises (academic, residential, sports, canteen, restrooms, etc.), within the campus or outside it and all means of transportation whether public or private. The provisions of the Act of the Central Government or the State Governments if enacted will consider ragging as a cognizable offense under the law on a par with rape and other atrocities against women and ill-treatment of persons belonging to the SC/ST.

(Vide No. F.1- 16/2007 (CPP-II) dt 13 April 2009)

Ragging is prohibited by law. It is a non-bailable criminal offense and punishable with rigorous imprisonment of up to seven years.

  • Students shall not indulge in any of the following activities, which are treated as ragging:
  • Any act that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular academic activity of a student.
  • Exploiting the service of a junior student by a senior student or a group of senior students.
  • Any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on a junior student including fund-raising for organisations.
  • Any act of physical abuse including all variants of it: annoying, playing practical jokes, sexual abuse, homosexual assaults, stripping, forcing obscene and lewd acts or gestures.
  • Any act of abuse by spoken words, emails, SMS, or any other means.
  • Any word or act that causes hurt to the dignity of the individual.
  • Entering without permission into any class other than the one assigned to a student.
  • Forcing a student to boycott class without his/her consent to participate in strike, demonstration, dharna etc.

Reporting cases of ragging

The complaints or information in regard to ragging could be oral or written and even from third parties. The burden/responsibility of proving his/her innocence rests with the accused. Complaints can be lodged with the Principal, Staff Counsellors or any of the members of the Ragging Prevention Committee. All complaints / information received shall be kept strictly confidential.

In the event of a student being booked in a criminal offence and being suspended from the college, he/she will be re-instated only after his/her obtaining clearance certificate from the concerned police officer.

Anti-Ragging Committee

Anti-Ragging Committee has been constituted to prevent the menace of ragging and to guarantee ragging ragging-free campus.

  • Dr. G. P. Sudheer (Principal/ Chairman)
  •  Dr. Jijo Johnson (Convener)
  • Dr. Lethy L. B.
  • Sr. Anusha Alex

Toll Free No. 1800 180 5522

Complaints can also be filed on helpline@antiragging.net , antiragging@santhomcollege.ac.in


Santhom Malankara Arts and Science College Edanji prohibits any kind of Caste Based Discrimination in the campus and actively desists its members from indulging in any form of caste-based discrimination. The discrimination based on caste is a punishable offence. The University Grants Commission has strictly ordered higher educational institutions to monitor caste-based discrimination. Anyone may report a case either through the online Form or a written complaint in the register kept at the principal's office.

Prevention of Caste based discrimination committee

Under the order issued by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi, regarding the prevention of Caste Based Discrimination in Higher Education Institutions, the College has constituted the Prevention of Caste Based Discrimination Committee to resolve issues about Caste Based Discrimination in campus. The following are the members of the Committee:

  • Dr. G. P. Sudheer (Convenor), Dr. Vibin Bernad R.
  • Dr. Lethy L. B.
  • Sr. Anusha Alex
  • Dr. Jijo Johnson
  • Dr. Athira L. S
  • Mrs. Keerthi S.

 The online complaint can be lodged on the college website at the link: santhomcollege.ac.in/prevention-of-caste-based discrimination.


Use of Cell Phone/Mobile Phone is prohibited inside the College Campus. Cell phone/Mobile Phone shall be switched off before entering the campus.

A College Level Surprise Inspection team has been constituted to carry out the directions of the Government and ensure that mobile phones are not being used within the campus.

The following members form the team:

  • Mr. Rejiraj S. (Convener)
  • Dr. Lethy L. B.
  • Mr. Aanand S. M.


Identity Cards are issued to all the students of the College. The students should ensure that the particulars in the Identity Card filled by him/her are correct. Students shall always wear Identity Cards issued by the College with tag and show them as and when demanded by any authority of the College. Students shall possess handbook for any reference.


All students of Santhom Malankara Arts and Science College are expected to conduct themselves in a manner worthy of a Malankara Catholic institution of learning and an educated Indian citizen in the campus and outside.

  • When a student meets a member of the teaching staff of the college within the campus or outside, it is a matter of politeness that he/she should greet him/her.
  • When a teacher enters the class, the students must keep standing until the teacher has invited them to sit down or he/she himself/ herself has occupied his/her seat.
  • Students should keep with them the texts and note books required for classes they attend.
  • No student will enter or leave the classroom when the session is on without the permission of the teacher concerned.
  • Students shall not enter classrooms other than their own, without explicit permission from the Faculty Advisor /HOD/Principal.
  • Students should not go outside the college campus during class hours. In the event of unavoidable necessity, they should seek special permission of the Principal/ Head of the Departments.
  • Students who happen to have no class should not loiter in the corridors or campus during class hours. They should make use of their free time by using the library.
  • Students are forbidden to attend or organise any meeting in the college or in its premises or to collect money for any purpose without the permission of the Principal. They should not circulate among the students any notice or petition or paste it anywhere in the college premises without the written sanction of the Principal. Students who violate the rules are liable to be dismissed from the college.
  • Students are not allowed to make a complaint in a body or to address any authority in a collective petition. Such combined action is subversive of good order. They should always be respectful to seniors and superiors, polite and courteous to all, ready to oblige and should show themselves lovers of good order and decorum.
  • Habitual negligence in college work, dishonesty, obscenity in word or act or any other acts of misconduct will invite severe disciplinary action.
  • Students are expected to keep decency and decorum in their behaviour, dress etc. Casual dressing/specially designed/extra colour/special dressing will not be permitted.
  • Students are forbidden from disfiguring the furniture or the walls or any part of the College premises or to spill ink on the floors or litter the class rooms and grounds. Any damage done to college property will have to be made good.
  • Any kind of noisy and disturbing celebrations on the campus are strictly forbidden. All kinds of celebrations should be under the direct supervision of HOD or Faculty Advisors.
  • Election to the College Union, if required, will be conducted under Parliamentary mode, as per Lyngdoh Committee recommendations, under the verdict of the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala in WPC @ No.19411 of 2012.
  • Banners, flags, posters, etc. shall not be allowed inside the campus or at the gates or compound walls for purpose of any activity without the permission of the Principal.
  • Students are not allowed to bring vehicles into the campus. They have to park their vehicles at the allotted place at their own risk. Stunting and racing of vehicles within and in a radius of 200 metres outside the campus are strictly banned.


The College works under the full day system with two sessions from 9.45 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. Besides lecture classes, there will be Seminars, Tutorials, Group Discussions, Counselling and Life Orientation Programmes.

At the beginning of the morning session before the commencement of classes, there will be a bell when the students should go into their respective classes and occupy their seats. When the bell for the prayer song is heard all students shall stand up and those who move about in the campus shall stand still in their place in a prayerful attitude. After the prayer song, there will be a signal bell for work to begin.


  • No student shall be allowed to take the university examination unless he/she has fulfilled the minimum attendance requirement of the University.
  • In case of illness, a student must inform the College office through the concerned Faculty Advisor and submit a medical certificate within a week of his/her re-joining.
  • If the medical certificate is not submitted in the above-mentioned period, no benefit in attendance will be given.
  • The students are required to check their attendance records periodically. Once the final aggregate attendance statement for the Semester is published, no change will be entertained.
  • Attendance shall be taken for hours of study rather than days of study, to fulfill the stipulations that the CE marks for attendance shall be calculated separately for each course in a Programme.
  • Aggregate attendance will be used for determining the eligibility to write the End Semester Examination - minimum 75% attendance - and not for calculating the CE marks for attendance.
  • A student who gets less than 75% aggregate attendance is not eligible to write the End Semester Examination. He/ She will have to get readmission and repeat the semester with the next batch or be granted admission, if eligible for it.
  • Marks/grades for attendance for calculating CE will be given as per the University/ College regulations.
  • Students who want to participate in Kerala University Union activities/inter-collegiate competitions/and for internal co/ extra-curricular activities will not be granted grace attendance in place of such participation unless they get prior written permission from the Principal through an application forwarded by the concerned Faculty Advisor and HOD.
  • The students participating in in Kerala University Union activities/inter-collegiate competitions/and for internal co/ extra-curricular activities /sports etc. should apply in writing, giving the specific dates of participation in such activities, after getting the necessary recommendation on the application, from the concerned Faculty Advisor and HOD.
  • The final authority in the consolidation of aggregate attendance shall be the Faculty Advisor and the same for course-wise attendance shall be the Course Co-ordinator. If any student has any grievance in this respect, he/she should submit the same in writing to the DLMC (Department Level Monitoring Committee) and in case it cannot be settled at the DLMC, it shall be forwarded to the CLMC (College Level Monitoring Committee) within the stipulated time. The decision of the CLMC shall be binding and final.
  • The rules and regulations for attendance, including condonation, applicable for the First Degree Programme under the Choice Based Credit and Semester (CBCS) system will be as per the University Order No. Ac. AI/I/UG Sem./2010, dated 05.04.2010 and the highlights of which are cited below:
  • “Condonation of attendance to a maximum of 10 days in a Semester subject to a maximum of two times during the whole period of a Degree Programme may be granted by the University. Benefits of attendance may be granted to students who attend University Union activities, meetings of university bodies and participation in extracurricular activities by treating as present for the days of their absence for the above purpose on production of participation/attendance certificate in such activities issued by the University Authorities/ Principals, subject to a maximum of 10 days in a Semester. Those who secure a minimum of 75 % attendance in the aggregate for all the Courses of a Semester taken together alone will be allowed to register for the End Semester Examination of the Semester”.
  • Students may also note that unless they register for the University examinations, they will not be eligible for promotion to higher classes.


  • The college insists on regular attendance at all classes. So, unless there is a real necessity, no one should absent from classes. For any kind of absence, a leave application in the prescribed form sanctioned by the concerned authority must be submitted to the faculty advisor.
  • A student requiring leave for only an hour, or a portion of an hour must apply for it to the concerned teacher before the period begins.
  • A student requiring leave for a whole day must apply for it in writing to the Principal through the Faculty Advisor.
  • When absent from class, a leave letter duly signed by the parent or guardian should be presented to the Faculty Advisor. If the absence is due to any unforeseen circumstances, the leave letter should be submitted on the day of return.
  • Attendance for absent days/hours will be given only for leave taken on official University/College duties. In such cases, students should submit the prescribed form, duly signed by Teachers in charge, to the college office. The attendance committee will scrutinize such applications and recommend them to DLMC/CLMC for final decision.
  • For absence exceeding three days, a letter from parent/guardian and a medical certificate whenever necessary, should support the application for leave of absence and for such leave of absence, an application should be submitted on the day on which the student is reporting at the class.
  • Application for leave of absence in the prescribed format should reach the concerned faculty advisor at least by 9.30 a.m. of the day for which leave is applied.


  • Assignment work, seminars, composition, test papers, internal and end semester examinations are compulsory as per the CBCS system and students are not allowed to abstain themselves.
  • There will be at least two internal Examinations in a Semester. Attendance at examinations is compulsory. Students not appearing for the examinations without prior permission from the Principal will be seriously dealt with and fined.
  • Open Houses will be arranged twice during an academic year. The dates for the Open Houses will be informed in advance through the Ward by the respective Faculty Advisor/Staff Counsellor.
  • Parents/Guardians must attend both the Open Houses with the Ward and meet the respective Head of the department and collect the Progress Report with details of attendance and remarks of the Principal and Faculty Advisor concerning the general conduct of the student.
  • Parents/Guardians of those students who show poor progress should take care to meet the respective Faculty Advisor/Staff Counsellor as frequently as possible.


  • Students are not permitted to organize or conduct excursions or picnics without the knowledge and consent of the Principal.
  • Only final year/final semester students may be permitted to go on excursions and tours.
  • Study tours may be organized by the respective Departments.
  • Written consent in the prescribed form should be obtained from the guardians by all students going on excursion.
  • A detailed programme of travel, stay, places of visit, names of participants etc. should be submitted to the Principal before proceeding on a tour or excursion.
  • No student from another class will be permitted to join a class going on excursion.
  • There should be at least two teachers (one male and one female) to accompany each team.
  • Excursions, picnics and tours will be allowed ONLY after the internal tests of FDP S6.
  • The duration of the excursion shall not exceed 5 days including the days of journey.
  • Any misconduct during the picnics/study tours will incur strict disciplinary action.


  • The College Library will remain open on all days from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm except on Sundays and Public holidays.
  • Identity cards are required for entry to the library. Before entering the library, the Gate Register is to be signed.
  • Students at the UG level will be issued three books and the faculty members five books respectively.
  • If a book is overdue beyond one 14 days the fine will be Rs.1/- (as per G.O) per day till the date of return of the book(s).
  • All the books borrowed from the library and other dues must be settled before the end of the Programme. No dues certificate must be obtained from the librarian.
  • Rules and regulations of the library have to be strictly followed.
  • All information related to the library and learning resources can be accessed from www.santhomcollege.ac.in
  • Borrowers will be held responsible for any damage caused to a book. When a book is issued to a member it is presumed that it is in good condition, unless otherwise pointed out. If a book is damaged or lost by a member, he/she will have to replace it or pay the cost of the book at the current rates with fine.
  • All the books must be returned to the Library before the closing of each term, or at the time of sending the applications for the End Semester/ University Examinations.
  • Before taking any book or journal for photocopying, prior permission must be obtained from the Librarian.
  • Keep footwear out of the Library.
  • Observe complete silence in the Library.


  • As per GO. MS 40 95/74 H. Edu. dated 12.06.1974 the first instalment of tuition fee and special fee from students of senior classes should be collected within a period of seven consecutive working days beginning from the date of re-opening of the college. In the case of students of junior classes, the first instalment of tuition fee due till the date of admission with special fees and caution deposit should be paid on or before the 7th consecutive working day of the concerned month.
  • If any student fails to pay the tuition fee and/or special fee on the due date, he/she shall be liable to pay a fine of Rs. 5/-along with the fee on or before the 10th day after the due date. If the 10th day happens to be a holiday, the next working day will be counted as the 10th
  • If the tuition fee and/or special fee with the fine Rs. 5/- is not paid on or before the last date fixed for it, an additional fine of Rs. 10/- will have to be paid. If the fee and fines of an instalment are not paid before the last opportunity given for payment of that instalment, the name of the student will be removed from the rolls of the college with effect from the date following the expiry of that period and the student will not get the benefit of attendance. If the dues are paid and the student is re-admitted he/she will get the benefit of attendance from the date of re-admission.
  • The last opportunity for the payment of an instalment of fee will be the last day previous to the due date of the succeeding instalment. But in the case of the fee due for February, the last opportunity is fixed as 5th of March. If the 5th March happens to be a holiday, then the last working day previous to such date will be considered as the last opportunity. If a student does not pay the dues till the last date prescribed, he/she will not be allowed to appear for the End Semester University Examination.
  • Fee will be received at the college office counter from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. on working days. Students are advised to keep all fee receipts for future reference and for getting refund of caution deposits.


  • Students eligible for full fee concession should submit their application to the Principal in the prescribed form within 15 days of their admission. The forms are available from the college office.
  • Applicants belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Kudumbi or Other Backward Communities and Christians converted from any of the above groups, should produce Caste and Income Certificates from the Tahsildars concerned. Such certificates should be produced at the beginning of every subsequent academic year, if the concession is to be renewed.
  • Concessions will also be available to other students as per the provisions of the Kumara Pillai Commission Report (income limited to Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh only)).


  • Ordinarily a notice of 48 hours is necessary for the issue of a certificate.
  • Transfer Certificates will be issued only after payment of all dues to the College. College ID card should be surrendered while obtaining TC.
  • A student, past or present, applying for certificates for transfer, age, character, marks, sports, identification, N.C.C. etc. shall do so in writing in the prescribed form to the Principal stating the year of study, Admission number, Class last attended and Home address.
  • The application for caution deposit shall be accompanied by the original receipt of the payment of the caution deposit.
  • No certificate will be sent by post unless the transmission charges are prepaid.


  • As per G. O. M. S. No. 58/75/4 Edu. dated 24.01.1975 every student on admission to a course of study in a college shall, along with the first instalment of fees, pay the caution deposit prescribed for the course. However, students belonging to S.C/S.T. and O.E.C. are exempted from payment of the deposit. At the end of the course of study, the deposit shall be refunded on receipt of application from the student in the prescribed form (available from the College office) after adjusting the dues, if any, on account of:
  • Loss of library books : Recovery of the fine for breakages of laboratory equipment and any other loss caused to properties of the College and
  • Arrears of fees: If the caution deposit is less than the amount to be realised from the student, the excess will be realised by other means as the Principal may decide.
  • It shall be the responsibility of the student to claim the refund of the deposit immediately after the expiry of the academic year in which the course is completed. All claims for refund shall be preferred before the reopening date of the next academic year in which the course is completed. After the expiry of the prescribed time limit, the Principal shall publish the names of students who have not claimed the deposits before the stipulated dates, in the Kerala Government Gazette. If within two months from the date of the Gazette notification the student does not prefer the claim for refund, the amount to the deposit shall be permanently forfeited. Application form for the refund of caution deposit can be had from the college office. Students should keep the receipts issued for remittance of the caution deposit in safe custody. Deposit shall ordinarily be refunded only if the receipt is produced along with the application for refund.